WinSpice Affordable Circuit Simulation Software |
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Buying a WinSpice License
WinSpice is shareware
and is currently not restricted in any way for up to 30 days i.e. there
are no node limits etc.
To get my undivided attention if you need help using WinSpice, you
should purchase a license and receive the following:-
* 1. a registration key - this may
unlock some features in the future
* 2. notification of any updates and
* 3. a library of 1100 BJT, 800 diode,
600 linear, 400 JFET and 600 MOSET models
* 4. removes all nag messages and
you have your license key, it will work with future updates up to a
future major update and ensure that any new features will be
A new license costs £45 (conversion to other
currencies is made automatically on the order page) and there are
volume discounts available if you pay via ShareIt!.
users of v1.05.07 and earlier, including licensed users of 5Spice
(, can purchase an upgrade license key for
v1.06.00 onwards for £20 per license. I may need to contact you if I
can’t find any record of your license.
Note: the old style key used with v1.05.07 and earlier will not work
with v1.06.00 onwards.
Users who purchased WinSpice v1.05.07 licenses after 28th November 2006
will be sent a new key automatically for v1.06.00.
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